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Absorption and Transmission of Boundary Layer Noise through Micro-Perforated Structures: Measurements and Modellings

Mitigating flow-induced noise is currently a major goal in the acousti (...)

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The use of microperforations to attenuate the cavity pressure fluctuations induced by a low-speed flow

The paper describes experimental and numerical studies on the use of m (...)

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Cost-efficient characterization of the aeroacoustic performance of micro-perforated wall-treatments in a wind tunnel

Mitigating the propagation of low frequency noise in ducted flows repr (...)

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Reducing discrete-tones generation by micro-perforating the base of an open shallow cavity under a subsonic flow

Experimental and numerical studies have been carried out to investigat (...)

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Aeroelastic instability of cantilevered flexible plates in uniform flow.

We address the flutter instability of a flexible plate immersed in an (...)

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Coupled flutter of parallel plates.

Experimental visualizations of the coupled flutter of an assembly of t (...)

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The origin of hysteresis in the flag instability

The flapping flag instability occurs when a flexible cantilevered plat (...)

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Swirl-stabilized, turbulent, non-premixed kerosene-air flames were inv (...)

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High resolution LDA measurements in transitional oblique shock wave boundary layer interaction

Spatial development of a transitional Oblique Shock Wave Interaction a (...)

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Influence du glissement parietal sur le sillage d'un corps épais : application à la rentré atmospherique des débris spatiaux. Thèse de Léo Kovacs. Financement Caprysses.

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Simulation expérimentale de rentrée de débris spatiaux en soufflerie hypersonique raréfié et soufflerie supersonique haute enthalpie . Thése de Nicolas Rembaut. Finacement Region Centre

Rembaut, N., Joussot, R., & Lago, V. (2020). Aerodynamical behavior of (...)

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Etude des effets de raréfaction sur le comportement aérothermodynamique des planeurs hypersoniques. Hugo Noubel . Financement ANR-ASTRID APHYRA

Noubel H, Lago V, ‘Experimental analysis analysis of waverider Lift- (...)

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Etude des interactions des spheres en regime supersonique raréfié. Thèse de Vincente Cardona (en cours). Finacement ANR-IPROF

Cardona, V., Joussot, R., & Lago, V. (2021). Shock/shock interferences (...)

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ombustion for aircraft propulsion: Progress in advanced laser-based diagnostics on high-pressure kerosene/air flames produced with low-NOx fuel injection systems

The challenges in designing high-performance aeronautical combustion s (...)

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